P: 03-11-11-CREDO (27336)
P: 03-11-11-CREDO (27336)

The Dean’s Corner

A journey with no limits

An exclusive program of Credo School & College System envisioned with the intention to fulfill the role as an educational institution for the long term betterment of students in their personal and practical lives.

Frozen in Time


Apply for Admission

Accepting applications for the session 2024-26

At Credo College you will experience the finest faculty that can take you to new heights. You will experience an academic ambiance that’s not seen elsewhere. Eventually, towards the end, it will be ensured that you have transformed into the icon which you were always destined to be.

So apply now on the basis of your O2 CAIE result and avail the dynamic scholarships offered by Credo.

About Us

We promised to bring a social change; we promised to bring about academic discipline; we promised to strengthen the next generation. For a better tomorrow, we aspire to mentor the millennials and together with the parents and teachers, we hope to bring out their unique talent and prepare them to lead Pakistan and the world.

Our promise stands. At Credo College, we believe in you and we believe that the future will be brighter than ever before.

Student Life at Credo

The life at Credo College is one of its kind. Because you’re not only attaining quality education but also get a chance to practice and pursue your interests with professional teachers. Credo ensures that every student pursue their passion both inside and outside the classroom.