P: 03-11-11-CREDO (27336)
P: 03-11-11-CREDO (27336)


Credo supported me by giving me a platform to develop myself into a better and a responsible person. In addition to the
academics, the extra-curricular activities assisted me to gain confidence and to believe in myself. I have always been satisfied with Credo and its faculty. Help is always around no matter when and how much assistance we need. In the end, all of this and more will reflect on my eventual success.

Rabia Shahzad A2 (Science)
Discovering myself. What it means to be an icon of Credo College

Being a doctor is what I always dreamt about, probably because of an all-doctor family. Back in O Level, life used to be a bit difficult and the balancing act between academics and extra-curricular was tough. However, at Credo not only have I started to plan everything in a systematic manner but I’ve also discovered a new passion for biology. Subsequently, my AS result of straight A’s spoke for itself. Credit without doubt also goes to my teachers here who have inculcated in me the skills required to succeed.

Umer Shahid A2 (Science)
Academic discipline for life

Hope is a ray of sunshine breathing through the clouds after the storm. Faith is knowing there is still more hope. Every morning, the day I step inside the campus, there is so much waiting for me… as the sun rises. I believe that we must be happy of our achievements and strive for more. I can see my dreams being fulfilled and the satisfaction on my parents’ face and the firm belief which they nurture as a result. They are proud to see me as a young lioness of Credo – of a college that has empowered me as an individual and made me believe in myself.
Hopefully, my parents will one day see me roar.

Inara Pirani AS (Commerce)
Expectations; realistic and practical

Credo has helped me improve my personal and social skills. The spectrum of opportunities that were provided to me in college have been simply amazing. As a student I’ve evolved and with increased emotional intelligence, I know what will help me out in practical life and what might create hurdles. At the end of the day, it all depends on the kind of efforts a student is willing to make; be it the search for a deeper knowledge, developing leadership skills or the power of self-control and patience. I know for a fact that my efforts have really paved the
way for me to look beyond the horizon. All hail Credo!

Muhammad Jahanzaib A2 (Commerce)
The journey so far

Where I want to go in life and what I want to do, these questions have been answered by Credo. Career paths can often be complex and the information we come across as students can be pretty overwhelming but the guidance provided by the counsellors has quite simply streamlined my plans and the options are all too clear now. This is something which students
usually aren’t able to assess independently and which is why I’m more than grateful to Credo for acting like the perfect mentor for not only me but also for countless others.

Abeeha Imran A2 (Science)
Choosing the right career paths

Choosing Credo College for A levels has surely been one of my best decisions. Not only has it helped me with my studies but the facilities here, the extracurricular in specific are really an appreciable initiative as after a long tiring day, we need some activities to energize ourselves. The newly launched electives are a golden opportunity for all the students in order to enhance for example not only their speaking skills but cooking skills as well. My vote is for Credo and for all of you out there reading this, come on over, it’ll be an experience to remember.

Yamna Ashfaq AS (Science)
Extra & Co-curricular